
______1. Which of the following statements is NOT true about cell as the basic unit of life?

A. All organisms including plants and animals are composed of this tiny structure called cell.

B. Cell is the smallest structure that is able to carry out all the basic properties of life.

C. Cell is composed of a variety of molecules working together.

D. Cell is made up of one kind of atom and cannot be further decomposed.

______2. The following are types of Connective Tissue EXCEPT___________.

A. Dense connective tissue C. Specialized connective tissue

B. Fluid connective tissue D. Loose connective tissue

______3. In roots, certain epidermal cells develop long, slender projections called root hairs. What is

the function of root hair?

A. The root hair is for covering and protection.

B. Root hairs regulate water loss in plants.

C. Root hairs absorb water and minerals as well as anchor the plants.

D. Root hair fills the interior of the plant.

______4. Why does Skeletal muscle is a voluntary muscle?

A. Because it has no striations. C. Because it is under the control of the will.

B. Because it is not under the control of the will. D. Both a and b.

______5. Which of the following statements BEST describe the Phloem?

I. Phloem is composed of several simple tissues including sieve tubes and tracheids.

II. Phloem transport sucrose and other organic compound from the roots to the leaves.

III. Phloem contains types of conducting cells: tracheids and vessel elements.

IV. Phloem transports water and minerals from the roots to the leaves.

A. I and IV B. I, II, III and IV C. II and III D. None of the above.

______6. What is the difference between Hyaline cartilage and Elastic cartilage?

A. Hyaline cartilage is an example of supportive connective tissue while elastic cartilage is an example of Fibrous connective tissue

B. Hyaline cartilage only contains very fine collagen fibers while elastic fibers has more elastic fibers.

C. Hyaline cartilage has more elastic fibers while elastic fibers only contains very fine collagen fibers.

D. Hyaline cartilage usually found in the outer ear while elastic cartilage found in the nose.

______7. Organisms whose cells have no definite nucleus because of the absence of nuclear membrane are called______.

A. Prokaryotes B. Eukaryotes C. Both a and b D. None of the above.

______8. Cells were first discovered by Robert Hooke in 1665. He was able to discover cells ______.

A. When he observed a moving organism which he called animalcules.

B. While observing a thin slice of bark of an oak tree.

C. When he was able to discover dark-colored bodies called nucleus.

D. When he conducted the “swan necked experiment”.

______9. Which of the following statements is NOT true about Lysosomes?

A. It is enclosed with strong hydrolytic enzymes that can break down all the macromolecules.

B. It also helps in digesting bacteria.

C. These is also referred to as suicide bags.

D. Serves as a passageway for substances between the cytoplasm and nucleus.

______10. Which of the following is one of the basic principles of Biology?

A. Louis Pasteur experiment C. The moving organisms called animalcules

B. Cell theory D. Cell parts and functions