
Select the letter of the correct answer

1.)The revolt and “guerilla warfare” started by Mattathias and continued by his sons was successful that by 164 BC Judas gained enough control of country. Who was this Judas?

a.) Judas, the betrayal
b.) Judas, the Iscariot
c.) Judas called Maccabeus (son of Mattathias)

2.) This person was against the persecution and new policies that Antiochus Epiphanes imposed on the Jews who were in Palestine. As a result, he and his five sons defied the orders of Antiochus and fled to the mountains to start a holy war. Who was this person?

a.) Matthew
b.) Marcus
c.) Mattathias

3.)He was a priest and a scribe, the first great Bible scholar and teacher. Who was this person?

a.) Ezra
b.) Edom
c.) Efraim

4.) Who was the father of Eleazar?

a.) Joseph
b.) Ezra
c.) Mattathias

5.) The purification and rededication to Yahweh of the Temple in Jerusalem established a new feast for the people. What was the feast called?

a.) Habakkuk
b.) Hakkunah
c.) Hannukah

6.) How many days/months took Nehemiah to rebuild the wall in the city of Jerusalem?

a.) 52 months
b.) 25 months
c.) 52 days

7.) Isaiah 11:1-2 says, “From the stump of Jesse a shoot will com forth; from his roots a branch will grow and bear fruit. Who was this context?

a.) Jesse, brother of Absalom
b.) Jesse, the father of King David
c.) Jesse, ordinary man from Jerusalem

8.) What chapter in Nehemiah narrates Ezra reading the Law of Moses to the assembly of men and women?

a.) Nehemiah 8-9
b.) Nehemiah 7-9
c.) Nehemiah 9-10

9.) What is noteworthy about second volume of Maccabees?

a.) Its narration of Jewish martyrs who died for the faith
b.) Its narration of Jewish martyrs who died because of persecution
c.) Its narration of Jewish martyrs who died during the war.

10.) After Nehemiah rebuilt the wall of Jerusalem, the people confessed their sins and made a firm commitment to follow the law. They then put into writing their promise of faithfulness and document was signed by the leaders, Levites, and priests. What was that similar event happened during Joshua's time?

a.) Renewal of the covenant at Sechem
b.) Renewal of the covenant at Syria
c.) Renewal of the covenant at Siloam