
2. What thing did Inahin borrow from Lawin that was lost?
A. earrings B. beads C. watches D. rings

3. What did Lawin snatch from Hen because of the missing thing?

A. pig B. muning C. chick D. puppy

4. What object is placed on the back near the player's waist

each group in the Hawk and Chick Game?

A. fan B. handkerchief C. paper D. belt

5. What kind of player will be the leader of the team?

A. best C.strongest

B. weakest D. weakest

6. This game develops running speed and agility


A. Agawang Base C. Hawk and Chick

B. Agawang Panyo D. Patintero

7. This game is called “Touch the Dragon’s Tail”.

A. Agawang Base C. Hawk and Chick

B. Agawang Panyo D. Patintero

8. What to call a relay game that includes picking up


A. Agawang Base C. Hawk and Chick

B. Agawang Panyo D. Patintero

9. This game cultivates the skill of speed and agility besides


A. Agawang Base C. Hawk and Chick

B. Agawang Panyo D. Palo Sebo

10. The goal in this game is for the group to capture the opponent's base

without risk.

A. Agawang Base C. Hawk and Chick

B. Agawang Panyo D. Patintero