
ACTIVITY 2: SUMMARIZING A POEM IN TERMS OF ITS ELEMENTS Direction: Compleie the summary of this poem by writing the missing elements. Thank You, Goo! By Carmen G. Malmban Thank you God for the eyes that see The pretty things you've made for me Thank you for the nose that smells The fragrant flowers in the meadows and sales Thank you. God, for the ears that hear The bird-songs sweet and clear Thank you, for the lips that can sing Of Your goodness to all men bring: Thank you for the feet that run On willing errands, for play in the sun. Thank you for all these, oh God of love! Thank you, again, our father above. The poem Thank You God! tells the gratefulness of the author for the things she has in ute. There are several words that rhyme here such as- 1. See - hear__ - bring 2. love 3. The phrase that appeals to the sense of smell 4. while the line that appeals to the sense of hearing is 5. The phrase fragrant flowers is an example of run- is​