Sagot :
The Greeks, also known as Hellenes, are an indigenous group and country native to the Eastern Mediterranean and the Black Sea regions, attach in part to Greece, Cyprus, Albania, Italy, Turkey, Egypt, and, to a lesser extent, other Mediterranean countries. They also have a great large diaspora (Omogenia), with Greek communities spread across the globe.
The Earth was at the heart of Ptolemy's geocentric concept. Ptolemy believed that the world was made up of nested spheres that surrounded the Earth, based on the information he claim. The Moon, he believed, orbited on a sphere nearest to the Earth, followed by Mercury, Venus, and finally the Sun.
A spinning fluid (including the Earth, which is "fluid" in astronomical time periods) imagine is an oblate spheroid as a first approximation. The surface of a revolution formed by rotating an ellipse around its minor axis is known as an oblate spheroid (Hilbert and Cohn-Vossen 1999, p. 10).
The North Star, also known as Polaris, is known for remaining practically motionless in our sky as the rest of the northern sky journeys around it. This is because of its proximity to the north celestial pole, the axis around which the entire northern sky revolves. Polaris is a constellation that goes to the part of the north direction.
Aristotle was one of the most powerful philosophers of all time and the world's first true scientist. He made groundbreaking contributions to all chapters of philosophy and science, inventing the field of formal logic and identifying and exploring the links between the scientific disciplines.
Eclipse is a programming platform that uses an integrated development environment. It comes with a high-standard workspace and a plug-in outline for customizing our environment. It is the second-most-common Java development IDE, and it was the most famous until 2016. Eclipse is primarily penciled in Java and is intended for the development of Java applications, although it may also be used to create so many programs on other programming platforms.
A shadow is a kind of black region created by an opaque object blocking light from a light source. It made up all three-dimensional volumes at the back of the item that has light shining on it. A shadow across the direction is a two-dimensional silhouette or reverses the projection of the item that is obstructing the light. A dark or black region in a photograph is an example of a shadow. A pitch-dark corner from which a terrifying apparition emerges is an illustration of the shadow.
A Greek polymath, Eratosthenes of Cyrene was a mathematician, geographer, poet, astronomer, and music theorist. He was a student scholar who obtain the position of chief librarian in the Library of Alexandria. Eratosthenes calculated the circumference of the Earth mathematically putting it into two surface points. At the summer solstice, he observed the Sun's rays collapse vertically at noon near Syene (now Aswan), Egypt.
Explain How the Greeks knew that the earth is spherical?
What is the major event that led to the emergence of the geography
The ancient Greek who is known for championing the concept of atom was named