the letter of Column 3 (Types of Gears) A. Fishing without gears B. Stupefying Methods C. Fishing Using Miscellaneous) Groppling Instruments D. Wounding gears E. Barriers and Traps F. Fishing with lines G. Falling Gear H. Fish Impounding Nets 1. Scoop Nets Column A (Specific Gears) 1. Shovels 2. Harpoons 3. Crab Lifi nets 4. Fish Shelters 5. Simple Handlines 6. Jigger 7. Pole and Lines 8. Cover Pots 9. Filter Nets 10. Fyke Nets 11, Drip Nei 12. Bag Net 13. Skimming Net 14. Electric Fishing 15. Dredges 16. Fish Corral 17. Spears 18. Clamps 19. Dynamite 20. Cover nets