Rubric in Giving Instructions through Video Presentation Poor 1 Excellent 4 Good 3 Fair 2 CRITERIA Content and Organization The video presentation includes relevant elements and information and it is presented in a well-organized manner The video presentation includes relevant elements and information, but it is not presented in a well-organized manner The video presentation lacks the relevant elements and information. The video presentation does not include relevant required elements and information. Work Quality and Effort The work done exceeds expectations Maximum effort was put into the video presentation The work is done with good effort. Good effort is evident in the video presentation Work is done with fair effort, but the quality is still not what is expected. It is evident that the work was rushed. Work is done with little effort and quality. It is evident that the work was rushed and thus incomplete Style and Mechanics The video presentation has great creativity and style. Viewers are WOWed. The video presentation is clear and logical but lacks some creativity and clarity and with a few mistakes. The video The video presentation presentation lacks style lacks a clear and creativity, understanding however, it of the subject presents matter, has adequate many errors, information. and leaves out vital information.