
Activity C Draw an editorial cartoon on the importance of the roles of the multi-agency teams in communicable disease prevention and control. Explain the meaning of your cartoon. Use a separate sheet of paper and do not write anything on the module.​

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And!Read the short story on page 15 of this module, and then do a critical analysis of it. Your critique will be rated based on the given rubric. Follow this simplified format for your essay. Introduction Mention the name of the author and the title of the work. Give a brief summary of the work, and then indicate the elements you want to examine, as well as the purpose of your critique. Body: Choose only three of the narrative elements discussed, and make sure to cite specific exainples to support your analysis or evaluation. Conclusion: State your overall assessment of the story's value, worth, and significance (both positive and negative). Give recommendations for improvement if necessary. Criteria Very Good (4-5) Good (3) Needs Improvement (2) Introduction All the contents required are The contents are The introduction lacks the present, and the summary is complete, but the required content, and the well-written. It is attention- summary could have been summary is poorly outlined. grabbing. writiten better- It is not catchy at all Analysis There is excellent evaluation There is good evaluation of There is insufficient attempt of the text's strengths and the text's strengths and to present the weaknesses weaknesses. Clarity, weaknesses. However, or strengths of the text. originality and depth of clarity, originality and Also, the output shows thought about the topic are depth of thought seem superficial thinking about also evident lacking the topic. Supporting Evidence There is coherent Coherent organization and The output lacks a clear organization and interesting development are evident, focus and organization, and development of analysis but several details and the details lifted from the supported with carefully examples are not carefully story seem random and chosen details and examples selected form the story. unrelated. from the story. The conclusion clearly wraps The conclusion gives a The critique does not have a up the entire critique's good decent generalization of clear wrap up, and theme and bad points, and gives an the critique aud an overall isn't any clear statement overall evaluation of the evaluation about the evaluation of the story- story read. Conclusion