
Task 1: Pre-test
Directions: Write the word TRUE if the statement is correct and write the word False
if the statement is incorrect. Write your answer on separate piece paper.
1. The Christian Bible includes the Torah.
2. The crescent moon and star is the most distinguished symbol of Judaism.
3. When a person chooses not to eat nor drink for the purpose of a religious reason
it is fasting.
4. Among the three Abrahamic Religions, Islam is considered the oldest.
5. Islam recognizes Christianity as its foundation.
6. Judaism and Islam, profess that Jesus is a great teacher and a prophet.
7. All the three monotheistic religions hold strong belief that God is all-powerful and
all knowing
8. The city of Jerusalem is sacred to many religious traditions including the
Abrahamic religions -Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, which consider it a holy city.
9. The Five Pillars of Faith of Islam and, the Ten Commandments of Judaism and
Christianity, are similar in that they all offer a happy and easy life for their followers.
10. Zakat is act of giving charity to the poor.