1. The Twins Lito and Lino are twins. They always argue on everything especially on sharing their things with each other. There are times that their mother got mad with their attitude and she felt disappointed.
2. Her Reward
She is very happy as she receives her gold medal together with her proud mother. Tina always study her lesson and see to it that she finish all 3. A Happy Day
One day, Mario and Lucas agreed to go fishing. At the river they cast their fishing rod with bait excitedly. Suddenly the water bubbled, they have their first catch. "It's a big fish" they screamed as they pulled their fishing rod. After a while their basket was full of fish. They went home happily
4. The Reward
She is very happy as she receives her gold medal together with her proud mother. Tina always studies her lessons and finishes assignments given by their teacher. Closing time came and she is at the top of the class. A surprise was prepared by the family and they celebrate together.
5. The Field Trip
He remembered a place where they visited during fieldtrip when he was in Day Care. There are animals around and tall tress too. "It was an eco-friendly environment" said Simon to his new friends They are all excited to hear different experiences from one another.