
How do school activities like school encampment help students in enhancing their physical, mental and social health?​

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Schools can offer social-emotional learning, which trains students how to identify emotions, manage stress, and other healthy habits. People's Prep plans to introduce “Wellness Wednesdays” this school year, where students will spend their advisory period studying those skills and practicing mindfulness and journaling.

Developing students' social-emotional skills teaches them how to manage stress, while also boosting social skills like collaboration and empathy. In this way, social-emotional skills involve developing greater awareness of oneself and others.



The Social skills of students will develop


As well as increasing a person's opportunity and choices in life, promoting mental health and wellbeing as a core role in education helps students. develop protective factors from mental ill-health. provide them with skills and confidence to self-seek help for early intervention.

Social health

Developing students' social-emotional skills teaches them how to manage stress, while also boosting social skills like collaboration and empathy. In this way, social-emotional skills involve developing greater awareness of oneself and others.

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