c c. 22 Denog translation, what is the RNA sequence of nucleotides when arranged lincaly 3 TCG TOC GTC TAG AGC AGO CAG AUC b AAU GOC AGUGGU d CG UCC GUC LAG 37 Which part of anuals show a correct example of homologous structures? wings of butterfly and bat fupper of whale and forelimb of rat e fingers of human and arm of sterfish d. tongue of frog and proboscis of a sqmto 24 Which is a more definite characteristic to show relatedness of two organisms? similarity in development b simulanty in courting behavior similarity m structure d similarity in genomic DNA 25 Which of the following are not examples of analogous structures? a wings of bat and butterfly c. wings of bal and forelimb of cattle shorn and spine d wings of bat and bird 26 Which of the following statements explains Lamarck's Theory of Use and Disuse? a body structures are developed because they are used extensavely b body structures developed because they are not in use body structures are developed because of competition d body strictures are developed because of mutation 27 Which of the following statements best explains the Theory of Natural Selection? acquired characteristics of parents can be passed on to offsprings b organisms develop desirable structures to survive in a given esvironment. organs that are not in used may disappear, while organs that are constantly used muy develop in nature, the organism with desniable characteristics may survive, while those with weaker trasts may not 28 Wluch of the followmy is not an outcome of high population density? a. mortality increase b. reproduction reduction с Loxic waste accumulation d predators tend to ignore prey that is overabundant 29 Which of these is not a density-independent factor that could act to lunt population growth as population size mcreases? a fire c waste accumulation b Hoods d earthquake 30 Which of the following does population density refer to? species in a commundy c individual species per unnt area b individuals in a species d comunities m an ecosystem 31 Which of the following human activities help in conserving the rainforest ecosystems cut the trees into logs and cake timber b convertit ito an industrial site. advertise it as a camping site d get only minor forest products 32 Farene is experencing a delay in her monthly penod What might be the night reason for this Occurrence? Farere is a boy Farene sa baving a hormonal ublance that affected her menstrual cycle Farene is pregnant with a baby B months in her wumh d Tarene undergo ligation a