
Grade & Section 1. A new song maybe leamed by reading and singing the so fa syilables. What are the so la syllables of the following notes on the staff? d P P A. So fa so mi C. do-re mi-do B. so-la-ti do D. do-mi-so do 2. What is the key signature of the musical phrase below? & C P A A. Key of C Major B. Key of G Major C. Key of F Major D. Key of D Major 3. The melody of a song is arranged repeatedly in ascending (upward) or descending (downward) directions. Which of the following musical patterns in the key of C Major shows ascending direction? A D. 4. Below is a musical phrase in the key of C Major. What are the so-fa syllables on the staft? &s A. re-re-fa-so-do-la C. mi-mi ta-la-la-do B. do-do-mi-so-do-ti D. ti-ti-do-so-do-la 5. Where can we find the home tone in the Key of G Major? A. on the fifth line of the staff C. on the second line of the staff B. on the first space of the staff D. on the second space of the staff 6. The measure below is written in the Key of G Major. What is the second so-fa syllable? & A. re B. la C. fa# D. t 7. Which is the correct illustration of G Major scale?​