Sagot :
Name of pests
Disease /Effect to people
1.They are pests because of their filthy habits and bad smell. Some people may become allergic to cockroaches after frequent exposure.
2.Mosquitoes infect humans with the Zika virus, yellow fever, dengue, malaria, and other diseases
3.Some human infections have resulted from contact with pet rodents. Transmission of LCMV infections can occur after exposure to fresh urine, droppings, saliva, or nesting materials from infected rodents, such as house mice. A bite from an infected rodent can also put someone at risk of exposure
4.Flies affect humans by carrying and transferring pathogens. After all, flies land on faeces and garbage regularly. Pathogens from those surfaces can then be carried on to your food sources and the things you use to eat and drink.
Prevention Control
1. Good sanitation is the number one way to prevent cockroaches, Keep it clean.
2.Get rid of standing water. Mosquitoes lay eggs and breed in standing water,Clean out gutters and weekly water changes.
3.Remove current rodent occupants,seal up your home, eliminated outdoor access and clean up that Yard
4.Prevent flies from breeding by using products that interrupt fly life cycles. Use products that will target all the species in your area. Practice routine sanitation and take housekeeping measures to keep fly populations down inside and around the barn and surrounding environments.