1.In hot countries people keep cold by wearing light colored cloths and in white painted house. This reduces the amount of heat absorbed, because white is a good reflector and therefore a poor absorber of radiant heat.
You may look for dresses, tops, and skirts made of cotton or linen. Or you may opt for a jersey dress in a simple cut that you can wear on a hot day. Shorts made of cotton or linen are also good options for staying cool on a hot day. T-shirts and collared shirts made of linen or jersey are also ideal.
2.Wear several layers of loose fitting, lightweight, warm clothing rather than one layer of heavy clothing. The outer garments should be tightly woven and water repellent. Wear mittens, which are warmer than gloves.
3.A. No, because climate is the weather, averaged over multiple decades. Aggregate changes in the weather that sustain long enough to form a trend = climate change. JMA have released their global temperature data for December. I made a gif of the monthly temperature anomalies.
Yes, Because Climate has a big impact on the lives of the people in an area because it is based on their livelihoods especially the farmers and fishermen of our countrymen because of the weather or climate they base their livelihood on. Here in the Philippines we have two climates the rainy season and summer.
4.Some people choose to live in vibrant city centres, some in leafy suburbs, and others in quiet villages. These choices are the result of a complex set of decisions, trade-offs, preferences and priorities influenced by their age, and by the attributes and amenities that the different parts of a city offer.
Where The feeling of community can be hugely beneficial when it comes to settling in quickly. As we outlined above, city life is busy, hectic and can be stressful. Rural neighbourhoods are generally safer, with lower crime rates, as well as experiencing fewer problems with traffic and fewer people on public transport.