
Make a poem which describes the characteristics of attire, fabrics andtapestries, crafts and accessories and body ornamentation in relation to MIMAROPA and Visayas.​​

Sagot :


written by Gernah Joy M. Carballo

Pottery is the same as life

It develops through gradual time

Like the classic Manunggal Jar-

two figures paddling a boat, portrays art

In between life and death

lies the beauty of grave furniture

Instead of weeping, Anthropologist are in awe

how Romblon turned eulogy into divine crafts

Terracotta bricks, ornamental jars, flower pots

Earthenware in Bandoja at Tibiao, Antique

ideology weave great amount of skill

Cagbangs creative blood is a legacy of inspiration

Precolonial Visayans major tradition is metalwork

They thrive craftsmanship for growing cultural connection

Risky things they're not afraid, endures like a maritime trade

It is in the heart, to pursue passion- till death we do art

An original poem, Carballo

March 4, 2022 (Friday)

P.S Do credits if you copy and I hope you take this as an inspiration. God bless in your studies.