True or False. Write True if the statement is correct, and False if the statement is incorrect.
1. A true follower of Christ believes and practices preferential option for the poor. . 2. We need to address one type of poverty only-economic poverty. 3. Not all poor people are lazy. 4. All poor couples with one or two children will eventually become economically independent 5. The Catholic Church is against all forms of family planning. 6. The Church teaches that all attempts to address the population problem must be done with utmost respect for human dignity. 7. Sin is at the root of poverty and all its evil effects. 8. Preferential option for the poor means we should despise the rich. 9. Preferential option for the poor does not mean we are praising poverty, but rather a commitment to work against poverty. 10. Simplicity of lifestyle is one way of showing preferential option for the poor. a