
learning task 3: complete each question by choosing the appropriate phrases/clauses.write your answer on your paper
-what is the purpose of raul malangpus
- between living and existing
- is a sign of weakness or strength
-in the story "legend of the rainbow
- a starving child wrong
- what would you do differently
1.conceptual change do you think crying _______$
2.peraonal exploration________if you knew nobody would judge you
3.compare and contrast what is the difference_____
4.moral or ethical dilemmas is stealing to feed
5.interpretive-evaluative_____for writing land of bandage
6.asses-diagnose what is the contict_____​

please pasagot Po ngayun na please please please​

Sagot :


1.is a sign of weakness or strength?

2.What would you do differently

3.between living and existing?

4.a starving child wrong?

5.what is the purpose of raul malangpus

6.in the story "legend of the rainbow
