
Learning Task 2: For you to practice citing evidence and making reactions, copy and complete the chart below on your paper. Be sure to use details from the text (text evidence) to support your answers. You can use the sentence starters provided in the third column to cite your evidence. Question Answer Text Evidence 1. What color is considered Based on what the brightest read... 2. Why green claims that it is In the text, il sald... a symbol of life? 3. React on the statements by The author said... color Green and color Orange. Which one do you believe is more important? Why? 4. What statement/s in the Based on what! text described that rain read... emphasizes the need for cooperation? 5. Why does a rainbow According to the text... represent hope? It is stated in the 6. If you were one of the texi... colors, what would you be? Why? PIVOT​