column A 1 also known as the respiratory route, and the resultant infection can be termed airborne disease.
2.wherein foodstuffs or water become dirty( by people not washing their hands before preparing food) and the people who eat and drink them become infected
3 with the resulting illness being called sexually transmitted disease
4 disease that are transmitted primarily by oral means may be cought through direct oral contact such as kissing
5 some disease that are transsmissible by direct contact include athlete's foot, impetigo ,and warts
6 directly from the mother to an embryo,fetus or baby during pregnancy or childbirth
7 it can occur when the mother gets an infected as an intercurrent disease in pregnacy
8 due to medical procedure such as injection or transplantation of infected material
9 transmitted by an vector , which is an organism that does not cause disease itself but that transmit infection by conveying pathogens from one host to another
10 if an infected person cought or sneezes on the another person the microorganisms, suspended in warm, moist droplets,may enter the body through the nose ,mouth or eye surface