
How does cooking help you as a student?

Sagot :


Learning to cook will help you understand world cultures, customs and flavors. You will also learn life skills like eating healthy, budgeting your money, and cleaning. Save some cash. Cooking is less expensive than eating at restaurants, fast food joints and school cafeterias.




How does cooking help you as a student?


Knowing how to cook is, in my opinion, one of the most important skills you learn in the process of “adulting.” A lot of people do not cook for a variety of reasons, but if your reason is fear of the unknown (what is julienne?! how do I mince my garlic?) then this post is for you!

Knowing how to cook is, in my opinion, one of the most important skills you learn in the process of “adulting.” A lot of people do not cook for a variety of reasons, but if your reason is fear of the unknown (what is julienne?! how do I mince my garlic?) then this post is for you!Even though I have been cooking for a long time now, and experiment with multiple cuisines and techniques, there are still a lot of things I’m not so good at. My knife skills are nothing next to my mom’s, and I’ve been avoiding baking for as long as I can remember. But taking risks and trying new things is what has helped me accumulate as much food knowledge as I have now.