1. The weather conditions prevailing in an area in general or over a long period 2. A temporary condition that results from global wind current, global ocean current, the Cariolis force, and the amount of solar heat. 3. It refers to significant, long-term changes in the global climate. 4. Latitude, Proximity to landmasses, Proximity to bodies of water, Location relative to mountain ranges, Elevation, Ocean Currents, Prevailing wind direction. 5. It decreases when altitude increases 6. A natural process that warms the Earth's surface 7. It caused the gradual heating of Earth's climate system 8. Group of stars that appear to form a pattern in the sky. 9. Number of constellations recognized by the International Astronomy Union (IAU). 10. The 12 constellations. 11. The constellation behind the sun from August 10 to September 16 12. The color of the coolest star in the sky. 13. The color of the very hottest star in the sky. 14. Father of Philippine Ethnoastronomy. 15. Our very own locally recognized constellation. 16. We used it as calendar to mark certain events. 17. For the Sama, it was the constellation that was referred to as "Bubu", for it resembled the bubu, a cage-like fish trap that they used. 18. Ursa Minor 19. North Star 20. Why do stars appear to move in the night sky? 88 Global warming ! Air temperature P Greenhouse effect A Because of the revolution of the Earth R Leo Big dipper Little dipper E Climate S Malihe, Malara and Buwaya Climate change Polaris Constellations T Red 1 Darker blue t Stars K Dr. Dante L Ambrosio Weather N Factors affecting climate Y Zodiacs n a I DMD - e S X2