
Directions: Each question of this section is a multiple-choice with four answer choices. Read each question and answer carefully. Choose the letter of the correct answer .
1. Every computer looking to access the Internet would be known as this.
a. Client
b. Hub
c. Desktop = d. Server

2. Used for educational sites (most commonly four-year universities)
a. .com
d. .net
b. .org
c. .edu

3. A Computer network that connects computers within a limited area such as a home, school, computer laboratory, or office building, using network media.

b. NET
d. LAN

4. Allows information to be delivered to other computers or electronic devices that are connected.
a. Country
b. Networking
c. Web Browser
d. Hub

5. An application used to search and find information on the Internet.
a. Web Browser
d. LAN
b. Server
c. WiFi​