Directions: Read and understand the given statement below to determine the factors that affect the strength
of the electromagnet. Write the letter of the correct answer.
D 1. Which of the objects below can be pulled by magnets
A. Coins, nails
C. needles, paper clips
B. spoons, safety pins
D. a, b, and c
_2. The area around a magnet which exerts
force is called
A. Magnetism
C. electromagnet
B. magnetic
3. One of two points in a magnet where its
D. north and south poles
s magnetism is strongest called
A. Magnetic field
C. electromagnet
B. magnetism
D. magnetic poles
_4. An electromagnet can be made stronger by using
A. only one cell or battery
C. more pins
B. electricity
D. more cells or batteries
5. When you use 2 or more batteries, then there is a/an in its current.
A. magnetic field
C. increase
B. decrease
D. no change
6. This is a temporary magnet that may be produced by making electricity flow through a wire coiled
around an iron nail.
A. electromagnet
C. electricity
B. dry cells
D. magnetism
7. Nails can be turned into magnet by
A. coiling a wire around it and letting the electricity flow into it
B. coiling a wire around the dry cells or batteries.
C. coiling dry cells or batteries in the wire
D. letting the electricity pass through it
_8. How can you increase the strength of an electromagnet?
A. by letting the electricity pass through it
B. by adding more dry cells or batteries
C. by adding the more magnets
D. by adding longer wires
9. Marissa has radio battery operated. One time she used her radio but it didn't work. She looks on
the dry cell inside. Why did the radio not working?
A. The batteries were placed where like charges are connected.
B. The batteries were placed where unlike charges are connected.
C. The radio is not working because it is old.
D. She doesn't know how to operate her radio.
10. Which is the connection of battery where atom will produced electricity.
A. positive charge connected to positive charge
B. negative to negative charge connected to each other
C. same terminal connected to each other
D. different terminal connected to each other
11. Which of the following materials are good conductors of heat and electricity?
A. eraser,pencil ruler
C. plastic,rubber,wood
D. wood, aluminium foil, paper
B. steel fork, nail, coin
12. When you placed the coin between the wires, the bulb lit. When you placed plastic fork, the bulb
did not lit. Why?
A. The coin is made of metal that makes it good conductor of electricity.
B. Fork is plastic which is also a good conductor of electricity,
C. The bulb is not working so it did not lit when fork is placed.
D. Coin and plastic fork are both good conductor of electricity.
13. What is commonly used to make conduction possible in a circuit
C. barb wire D. rubber
B. copper wire
A. plastic wire