
1. it is half the distance of a diameter A Diameter B. Chord C. Tangent D. Radu 2. It is a line that intersects the dice at eactly one point Diameter B. Chord C. Tangent D. Radius 3. It is an arc larger than a semidrole. A Inscribed B. Minor D. Central 4. It is an angle whose vertex is on the orde and whose sides interact the crowerpoint A. Inscribed B. Central C. Interceptes D. Suttended 5. It is an angle whose vertex is the center of the circle A Inscribed B. Central C. Intercepted 6.This tool is used for drawing circles and ares. A Ruler B. Compass C. Protractor D. Both and 7. What is the sum of the measures of the anges of a convex quadrilatera? 90 212 C270 8. It refers to any segment, ray, line or plane that intersects a segment at its midint A. Bisector B. Midsoint C. Center Point D. Transversal 9. What do you call a seven-sided polygon? A. Hexagon B. Heptagon C. Octagon D.Nonamon 10. Which of the following refers to a polygon with equal sides and equal angles? A. Convex polygon 8. Regular Polygon C. Equilateral Polygon D. Equiangular Polyeon​