
Determine the advantage and disadvantage of using Actionscript over tweening and frame-to-frame animation?​

Sagot :

Inbetweening or tweening is the process of generating intermediate frames between two images to give the appearance that the first image evolves smoothly into the second image. Inbetweens are the drawings between the keyframes which help to create the illusion of motion. Inbetweening is a key process in all types of animation, including computer animation."

In adobe flash, an easy way to tween is using the timeline. place an object on your stage add a keyframe then dupicate the keyframe, drag it across the timeline to the required location then select the two keyframes. now in the properties panel with both keyframes selected add a motion or shape tween. At this point the two keyframes are grouped and you can move the object in the first keyframe to one location then move the object in the next keyframe to another location. You can even change its color, rotate , scale, etc. since the two keyframes are tweened when you publish the movie you will see the object move in the whichever way you have defined. The tweening creates all the frames between the two keyframes.