
a. I can do this.
b. O.K., but I need more practice.
c. I can’t do this yet.
Write the letter of your answer on the blank spaces provided after each question.
1. Can you identify imperfect information? __________
2. Can you identify information with incomplete data? __________
3. Do you check and recheck information obtained and shared with others?
4. Can you identify passages containing exaggerations? __________
5. Can you identify illogical presentation of details in a passage? __________
6. Can you look for clues to arrive at an accurate inference or conclusion?
7. Can you tell the purpose of the author in his/her writing? __________
8. Can you infer (guess) the author’s or character’s feelings from the text?
9. Can you draw conclusions from a set of details in the reading texts?
10. Can you compare your own conclusion with the author’s? __________
11. Can you create an entirely new set of ideas that enrich, widen and deepen
those that you and the author held originally? __________
12. Do you ask probing questions on the generalizations which everybody
accepts? __________
13. Do you use supporting evidences or details to draw out generalizations?
14. Do you sort the texts that you read based on your needs or purpose?
22-28, you are on the way to becoming a critical reader.
If you obtain a score of 15-21, you are on step one of developing critical reading
plss help

Sagot :


️ escuha ️ las ️ palabras ️ de ️ las brujas, ️los ️ secretos ️ que ️ escondemos ️en ️la ️ noche. ️ El ️más ️ antiguo ️ de ️ los ️Dioses ️ se️ invonca, ️ el ️ gran ️ trabajo ️de️la️magia️se️busca.️ En ️este️día ️y️a️esta️hora️llamo️al️antiguo️poder,️trae️tus️poderes️a️nosotras️las️mejores️louies ️Queremos️el️pode,️danos️el️poder.️


1. B

2. C

3. A

4. A

5. A

6. A

7. C

8. A.

9. C

10. A

11. C

12. A

13. A

14. A