
Punctuate the following​

Punctuate The Following class=

Sagot :


1. Period / full stop ( . )

2. Comma ( , )

3. Colon ( : )

4. Comma ( , )

5. Ellipsis

6. Speech marks (" ")

Final Answer :

1. The operation will start at around 8:30 am Answer: ( . )

2. Dear Dr. Angeles Answer: ( , )

3. Benefits include Answer: ( : )

a. No deposit upon admission

b. Room and board accommodation

c. Use of Healthcard specialists like anesthesiologist urologist surgeon and other expects

4. The speaker was very self-conscious Answer: (...)

5. Yellow fever is caused by the bite of the female mosquito Aedes aegypti Answer: ( . )

6. You looked better after your treatments Answer: (" ")

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