Find the area of the given below. Write your solution on the given space. DO NOT FORGET TO WRITE THE UNITS IN EACH ITEM.
1. A square and a semi-circle. The square has a side length of 11mm. The diameter of the circle matches the square's side.
2. A rectangle and a semi-circle. The rectangle has a length of 8 feet and a width of 5 feet. The diameter of the circle matches the width.
3. A triangle and a semi-circle. The triangle has a base of 5 inches and a height of 4 inches. The diameter of the circle matches the base of the triangle.
4. A square and a semi-circle. The square has aside length of 8.5 inches. The diameter of the circle matches the square's side.
5. A rectangle and a semi-circle. The rectangle has a length of 8.5 feet and a width of 6 feet. The diameter of the circle matches the width.