ACTIVITY 2: Direction: You are going to make an improvised musical instrument. (Make your own version of substitute improvised musical instruments). Please refer to the following criteria. Rubrio tor Designing an instrurnent Subs deut Basic Developing Approaching naalaam rappropriato Wort materials Apprapate sty and appropriate matolo Incomplete Decorated but Decorated sanies Maisy neat Sound sound quality Naat Dut fragile Quartamast tacks smulanty Saund quality smiar to that Winth of Dora i of tho ongines arigna but not nitrumani instrument aracely pumbar to that of the olonial instrument Proficient Appropriate and creatwoty moddad materials Docorales in the context of the instrument N961 and DIR sound quatty nosi samar lo Dat of ariana matomart Example Substitute Improvised Musical Instruments