
C. Properly sequence the following events. Number the first event 1, the second 2, the third 3, and so on. Write the numbers before each event on the answer sheet.

___When Martha opened her eyes, she saw the faces of her mother and father. There was also Miss Peters by the corner of what seemed to be a hospital room. The doctor then came, and Martha suddenly understood she was indeed in the hospital.

___With the help of her mother, Marina crafted a study schedule and posted it on her study board. Her mother always checks on her to see to it the schedule is strictly followed. From then on, Martha no longer crams school requirements and surprisingly enjoys fun times with her family and friends

___Martha lazily grabs the first seat when she gets in her classroom. She knows something is wrong with her today. She just feels so weak and tired. Miss Peters notices Martha's unusual self, and worriedly asked her if she needed any help. Unfortunately, before Martha could even open her mouth to ask for help, she already fainted.

___After the explanation of the doctor, Martha understood it is never right to cram all her requirements in one night. Lack of sleep and too much stress will do no good to her body. Martha then commits to make and strictly follow a study schedule, so she no longer forces herself to finish all her academic duties all at once.

___Martha wakes up to the loud buzz of her table alarm. She tosses and tums on her bed while deciding whether to get out of it or take an extra hour of sleep. She then hears a knock on her bedroom door. "Martha, get up now, or you'd be late again for your class," the voice exclaimed ​