Heiroskygo Heiroskygo English Answered Brainliests ☑️ 1. In writing a critique, it is important that you read and the material you are going to evaluate. A. analyze B. evaluate C. understand 2. The introduction is where you state the or the overall evaluation of the work. A. conclusion B. body C. thesis 3. The conclusion restates your about the text. A fact B. evaluation C. ideas 4. It is a part of analytical essay which shows the connection between your argument and the text. A. introduction B. body C. conclusion 5. What tense of the verb is use when writing an analytical essay?. A. present C. future B. past 6. This is also known as the claim or position of the argumentative essay. A main thesis B. main body C. main conclusion 7. This is the opposing view that challenges the position of the writerA. claims B. counterclaims C. rebuttal 8. These are the materials that support the claim. A. evidence B. opinion C. claims 9. This part of the essay presents a call to action to the readersA. introduction B. body C. conclusion 10. This approach assumes that a work is influenced by the culture and era that created it. A. formalist B. Marxist C. historical