
C major
F major G major do KeySignature
# (sharp b (flat)

1. _____is about the succession of tones heard in a song.

2. A key that utilizes one flat&______

3._________ is a symbol placed before a note to raise its pitch one semitone or halftone.

4. G major has one______

5. A key that does not have any sharp or flat in the key signature is_______

6. ________is a symbol placed before a note to lower its pitch one semitone or halftone.

7. The _________tells us the position of the Do on the staff.

8. The sofa syllaba______ stands as the home tone.

9. "Do Re Mi is a song in______ major scale.

10. “Leron, Leron Sinta"is a song in _____major scale.​