
31. The throwing back by a body or surface of light, heat, or sound without absorbing it . A. Light path B. Refraction C. Reflection D. All of these options 32. Which material does not reflect light? A. water B. mirror C. shiny metals D. shado 33. When you throw a ball straight down on the smooth surface, it will bounce back at you. A. on the other side B. opposite C. diagonally D. straight 34. The bending of light is called A. Light path B. Reflection C. Refraction D. All of these options 35. When somebody faces a mirror, his reflection can be seen in a reversed manner. A. No B. Yes C.Maybe D. All of these options 36. Loud sound also means A. intense sound B. soft sound C. cracking sound D. mellow sound 37. The softness or loudness of sound is called A. pitch B. volume C.sound D. echo 38. Which of the following produces a soft sound? A. drum set B. jet C. buzzing bee D. train 39. Which of the following produces the loudest sound? D. bomb C. telephone A. cry of a baby B. whisper 40. Why does sound become weaker or fainter as it moves away from the observer? A. the sound spreads to cover a larger area B. the sound is lowered by the operator C. the sound spreads to cover a smaller area D. the sound is already absorbed by the environment​

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