
1. It helps keep the body from overheating.
A. avoid sugary foods
B. warm up exercise
C. keep body hydrated
D. proper costume
2. Which safety tips oxygenated blood to your muscles as it speeds up your heart rate and breathing.
A. keep hydrated
B. proper costume
C. avoid sugary foods
D. warm up exercise
3. It is described as the guidelines or instructions of doing something correctly.
A. rules
B. ruler
C. instruction
D. guide
4. What type of clothing is suggested for dancing costumes?
A. heavy
B. lightweight
C. body con
D. bikini
5. Why do we need to consider and observe the safety of dancers?
A. It could result in fatal injury or death
B. A safe and healthy dancers increase their potentials.
C. Ti produce productive and quality works.
D. All of the above.​