
Three prospective buyers of the triangular parcel of land are interested in buying the land. All of the prospective buyers want the land so much because each side of the land is along a oad which makes the land very accessible. The only thing that keeps them from buying the land is that they do not know the area of the land. Prospective buyer no. 1 wants the area in the range of 500 m? to 750 m2 Prospective buyer no. 2 wants the area to be within the range of 750 m2 to 850 m?, and Prospective buyer no. 3 wants the area to be exactly 850 m?. To make sure that the area of the land is what they really wanted, they agreed to hire you as surveyor and share the expenses for your fee. Product or Performance: Submit a sketch of the land drawn to scale and computations indicating the area of the triangle.​