
A gymnast about to land on the floor without cushion A gymnast about to land on a cushioned gymnasium​

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Gymnastics Landing Forces

Landing forces in gymnastics are the impacts generated upon the completion of a jump of other air borne maneuver. Both the aesthetic appeal of gymnastics and the systems used to score a particular performance consider the manner in which the athlete is able to land at the conclusion of a routine. "Sticking the landing," the ability to land as efficiently and as emphatically as possible, is a concept where the athlete may not take an extra stabilizing step. Sticking the landing invariably results in the direction of maximum landing forces into the body.

Force is defined by the equation Force = mass × acceleration. As a corollary principle, the amount of downward acceleration produced as an athlete seeks to generate an upwards force to perform a jump will be equal to the downwards acceleration measured at the landing. Where the athlete uses a springboard to produce greater acceleration, as in diving or the vault exercise in gymnastics, the acceleration will be the product of the athlete's muscular power and the effect of the springboard.