Sagot :
1. A wooden clapper used in ceremonial music in a kabuki play to signal the beginning and ending of performance.
2. A xylophone consisting of heavy bronze keys and played with a wooden mallet.
3. A two-stringed fiddle and the blown suling flute that enhance the melody.
4. A musical ensemble for kabuki theater which is a live performance of the shamisen players.
5. A string instrument of Peking opera that an actor usually has to play.
6. It is performed on a tiered platform at the backstage. The instruments used are shamisen, drums, flute, and singer.
7. It is horizontal drum beat with the fingers on both ends.
8. It is used to mark the appearance of the ghost play by the instruments of flute and drum.
9. A bronze xylophone with resonance chambers beneath.
10. A zither of thirteen double strings. COLUMN B
A. Gender B. Kendang C. Hyudorodoro D. Nagauta E. Hayashi F. Jinghu G. Saron H. Rebab 1. Hyoshigi J. Telempung K. Wu chang