
In 2-3 sentences, how is your relationship with God?

Sagot :


I think God is there; I think God knows who I am, even in the dark and knows my good and bad points, and where my heart is. I don't think God ever intervenes in my life and I think it's selfish of me to expect him to. If he wasn't willing to help 100 million people save their lives in WW2 I certainly cannot appeal to him to help me find a job or get laid or find love or win the lottery. I don't think God cares about any of that. My success or failure is up to me.

To me, God is like coming home, the place I can always go when I have failed, when I need rest such that there is no real chance of failure; when I die, no matter what, I will be able to go home and get a hot meal and a comfortable bed and peace and security. No matter what, there's always a meal, a bed and acceptance somewhere. I can't really fail then.

Along the way God directed us to do certain things to make life on earth better for everyone; love (which is an action verb - you have to do something), forgive, have compassion, show kindness, help all, hurt none, clothe the naked, feed the hungry, comfort the afflicted, visit the lonely and so on. If I fail to do those things there may be a consequence, but I cannot conceive of what that is. I know that no matter what, that meal, that bed, that love is going to be there at the end of the road. That's because I accept that God loves me and accepts me no matter what. He needs me to do something important for him, something key, just as he needs everyone to do something critical.


What is a Personal Relationship with God? A personal relationship with God is just like a relationship with anyone else in your life.

It is fellowship, love, and trust between you and him. It means to know him and to be known by him.

Step-by-step explanation:
