
V. ORGANIZATIONAL/MANAGEMENT PLAN This plan includes the members of the team and the team's contribution to the business. Here is an example of an organizational/management chart: Manager/Owner Supervisor Clerk Maintenance ACTIVITY/PERFORMANCE 1 Instructions: Interview a manager or owner of a business then fill up the table. (25 point) Name of Business: Name of Owner or Manager: Number of Employees or Workers: Position/Job Decsription Particular Work/Roles/Duties Name of Employees or Workers: 1. 2. 3. ACTIVITY/PERFORMANCE 2 Materials to be used: 2 pcs. of 1/8 illustration board, pentel pen, plastic cover, scotch tape Instructions: Design/draw your own organizational/management chart using the following information. (50 points each) 1. President, Vice-President, Supervisor, Workers 2. Owner, Branch Manager, Secretary, Clerk/Teller, Maintenance please please​