
Activity 2
Directions: Distinguish what type of joumalistic writing is being described in eoch number. Write your answers on the blanks.

a. sport news article b. opinion article c. feature article d. news report

____1. A kind of article that reporls scores, standlngs, and rankings for differant teams or athletes in different sporting events.

____2. The first paragraph tells fhe most important facts of what happened in the story. It tells cirect, accurate oand unbiosed informetion

____3. It reports stories from the joumalist's viewpoint, including his own thoughts and biases.

____4. It provides scope, depth, and interpretation of trends, events, topics,
or people in a more narrative approach instead of giving important facts.

right answer = ❤❤❤
perfect answer =
wrong answer = reported

please understand ☺ ​