Bdarknightd52go Bdarknightd52go Physical Education Answered 8. Alcohol and Cigarettes are considered gateway drugs.* 1 point TRUE FALSE 9. Gateway drugs lead to the use of more dangerous and illegal substance.* 1 point TRUE FALSE 10. Cigarette smoking can lead to cancer.* 1 point TRUE FALSE 11. There are many benefits a person can get by using gateway drugs.* 1 point TRUE FALSE 12. Nicotine is found both in alcohol and in cigarettes.* 1 point TRUE FALSE 13. Smoking cigarettes and drinking alcohol have good effects on our body.* 1 point TRUE FALSE 14. Cigarettes smoking contain many chemicals that are dangerous to our health.* 1 point TRUE FALSE 15. Good friends will always lead you to good decisions and situations.* 1 point TRUE FALSE