
composing a three-paragraph descriptive Essay on self-selected topic this guide was dedesigned and writen for you to learn on how to write a three-paragraph descriptive essay on self-selected topic. learning this important becauseit fosters your abilty to explain and refine your ideas others and ourselves. it also equip us with communication and thinking skils. as you go on developing your skils in writing a three-pharagraph descriptive essay based on your self-selected topic, you will also improve your skills in revising writing for clarity using correct spelling, appropriate punctuasion marks and transision or signal words. after going through this leson, you are expected to:

1.compose a three-pharagraph descripritive essay on self-selected topic;
2.revise writing for clarity--correct spelling;
3.revise writing for clarity--correct appropriate punctuation marks;

good answer+bairainless