
Activity 1. Identify if the following situations show fulfilling responsibility, cooperation or both. Write R if the action shows Responsibility, C for Cooperation and B if it shows Both.
1. As a student, you need to attend classes on time and regularly.
2. Being prepared for classes at all times is a good attitude of a student.
3. A good student needs to complete all assignments and school related activities before the deadline.
4. A student must abide the rules and regulations of the school all the time.
5. To complete an assigned group project, a good leader should create harmonious relationship with the members and work together.
6. If you work together as a group, you are motivated to help one another to learn.
7. When students are working together for their common goal, the task assigned to them becomes an activity valued by peers.
8. If you work responsibly and cooperatively with your peers, you can achieve your tasks.
9. Teammates can provide opportunity to give assistance to one another.
10. Participating actively in a group can strengthen one's own learning.