
Give examples of Home-rule and continental theory?

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Sagot :


THEORIES IN POLICING • Continental = is the theory of police service which maintains that police officers are servants of higher authorities. Home Rule = the theory of police service which states that police officers are servants of the community or the people. This theory prevails in England and United States.

Also know, what is home rule theory?

Home rule is government of a colony, dependent country, or region by its own citizens. It is thus the power of a constituent part (administrative division) of a state to exercise such of the state's powers of governance within its own administrative area that have been decentralized to it by the central government.Similarly, what does home rule municipality mean? Home rule cities are those cities which have adopted a home rule charter for their local self governance. The home rule city can take any actions which are not prohibited by the state or federal laws and the constitution of US and Texas.

Moreover, how does home rule work?

Home rule is the power of a local city or county to set up its own system of self-government without receiving a charter from the state. A county that adopts a home rule charter has the ability to amend its governmental organization and powers to suit its needs. A home rule charter is, in essence, a local constitution.

What are the drawbacks of home rule?


frequent changes in the charter may cause instability in local government.