
1. In what way can Statistics help a student?

A. Statistics can help a student in playing a guitar better.

B. Statistics can help a student in cleaning the classroom.

C. Statistics can help a student in choosing from the two brands of calculators: brand A or brand B.

D. Statistics can help a student predict the likelihood of his classmates' behaviors.

2. Why Statistics is important in the field of education?

A. It is used to describe and summarize data gathered like number of sales, expenses and production.

B. It is used in analyzing test scores obtained by the students.

C. It is used in analyzing test scores like aptitude tests and IQ tests.

D. It is used to know the effectiveness of new fertilizer in the growth of different crops.

3. Which of the following questions can be solved using Statistics?

A. Why is Mr. Cruz against the Reproductive Health Bill?

B. What is the temperature outside the room today?

C. Where do Amor and Fe go for lunch?

D. What food do students in Malabon National High School eat during recess time?

explanation please.​