

The circle has two data members, a Point representing the center of the circle and a float value representing the radius as shown below.

typedef struct{

Point center;

float radius;


Implement the following functions:

a. float diameter(Circle circ); //computes the diameter of a circle.

b. float area(Circle circ); //computes for area of a circle

c. float circumference(Circle circ);//computes for the circumference of a circle.

C programming

Sagot :

Answer:#include <stdio.h>

int main() {

  int radius;

  float area, perimeter;    

  radius = 6;

  perimeter = 2*3.14*radius;

  printf("Perimeter of the Circle = %f inches\n", perimeter);

area = 3.14*radius*radius;

printf("Area of the Circle = %f square inches\n", area);



struct circle {

float x;      // center x

float y;      // center y

float radius;  



point_inside (struct circle *c, float x, float y)


float x2 = (x - c->x) * (x - c->x);

float y2 = (y - c->y) * (y - c->y);

float r2 = c->radius * c->radius;

// if squared distance is less than squared radius

// point is inside the circle

return (x2 + y2 < r2);


Explanation: still finding answers for this huhuhuhu