
Nutrition Facts #1: Full Cream Milk 1. What is the serving size? 2. How many calories are in one serving? 3. How many grams of fat are in one serving? 4. Encircle one nutrient and its % Daily Value in the nutrition facts table that is important to you. 5. Decide if you want to get more or less of the nutrient you have encircled. (Put a check) Get less of this nutrient 6. Get more of this nutrient Is this food a good choice for you? Why? Nutrition Facts Per 1 cup (250 ml) AMM Calories 130 Fat 3 g Saturated 1 g + Trans 1 g Cholesterol 10 mg Sodium 450 mg Carbohydrate 18 g Fibre 19 Sugare 4 g Protein 8 g Only Value Vitamin A 25 % Vitamin C Calcium 20 % tron 5% 10% 19% 2% 8%​