9. "Too many cooks spoil the broth," best appeals to the sense of A Sight B. Smell C. Sound D. Taste 10. Maria was tall and gracelul. Her color was a clea, pure brown, and her hav was long, A. Hearing B. Sight C. Smell D. Touch 11. Then back to his maiden fair he ran; unmindful of the rain, but his feel slipped and he fell down. A. Hearing B. Sight C Smell D. Touch E Identi the distinguishing features of proverbs. Myths and legends 12 Which is not a proverb? 4. There is no earthly that is not watered with tears. B. There is no debt that is not paid. C. A lazy young man is like a foul-smelling cal. D. Break a leg Marty. I'm sure you will perform well." 13. Which is one of the features of a myth? A witty expressions Chas deities with humans B. with figurative expressions D. has the origin of things 14. Which is not one of the features of legend? A Has origin of things B. Has literal and deeper meaning C. Has an important meaning to it due to its culture D. Usually involves heroic or warrior characters or fantastic places being described in the following sentences Needed help please