
1- 117 is 65% of n
2- 50% of 36
3- 45% of 1500
4- Percent means per
5- Nis 25% of 80
1- Nis 40% of 20
2- 60% of 880 is what number?
3- Nis 30% of 60
4- 18 is N% of 24
5- 40% of 675
150 and​

Down1 117 Is 65 Of N2 50 Of 363 45 Of 15004 Percent Means Per5 Nis 25 Of 80Across1 Nis 40 Of 202 60 Of 880 Is What Number3 Nis 30 Of 604 18 Is N Of 245 40 Of 67 class=

Sagot :


  1. 180
  2. 18
  3. 675
  4. Percent means per 100 (one hundred)
  5. 20


  1. 8
  2. 528
  3. 18
  4. 75%
  5. 270


*Find out what we need to look for first

  • Rate (R) is the one with the percent symbol (%)

  • Percentage (P) is the number which is usually beside the word "is".
  • The Percentage is just a part of the base.
  • If we were to illustrate this in fraction, the numerator would be the percentage while the denominator would be the base.
  • Say, you got a score of 45/50 in your math test. 45 is the percentage while 50 is the base since the 45 item which you got correct in your test is just a part of the 50 item in your math test.

  • Base (B) is the number which is usually beside the word "of".
  • The Base is like the whole number.
  • If I have 10 books and I have read 6 of it, the base is 10 and the percentage is 6 since the six books that I have read is a part of the ten books I have.

(Examples of Finding R, B, and P):

  • 18 is N% of 24 (Finding Rate, since the number with the percent sign is missing)
  • 117 is 65% of N (Finding base since, the number beside the word "of" is gone)
  • 60% of 880 is what number? (Finding Percentage, since the number beside "is" is missing

*Use the formula for finding the missing number

  • P = (R÷100) × B

  • R = (P÷B) × 100

  • B = P ÷ (R÷100)